Slow Down - Traffic Control

The Irwin Republican Standard newspaper reported in November 18, 1921 that a “dummy policeman stationed at the corner by Lesher’s Garage is not a thing to fool about. Around 10 persons have paid fines for not heeding the command to turn right.”

Lesher’s was located at the corner of Fifth Street and Duquesne Ave. Nine months later, Trafford council purchased two more dummy police to be placed at Cavitt and Fifth and also Duquesne and Third. The 1950s photo seen here was taken looking up Fifth Street with Harlich’s Pharmacy on the left (most readers will recognize that building today as Dom’s Pizzeria at 502 Cavitt Ave). Take note of the policeman standing at the top of the road. Do you think that is a real police officer or a traffic control cutout? Does anyone here remember police cutouts being used in Trafford?

The other question, based on the 1921 news clipping, where do you suppose traffic was forced to turn right? Were drivers being fined when coming down Forest Ave and turning left onto Duquesne? We don't have the answers, but perhaps you do.

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