2022 Golden Quill Awards

On May 24, 2022, I was honored to receive a writing award from the Western Pennsylvania Press Club for an article that appeared in the Heinz History Center History Magazine.

I only learned about the people in this story from researching my grandfather's service in WW1. Family history is local history. My grandfather served with Joseph M Duff Jr, former head coach for Pitt Football, one of the subjects in the article. My interest in researching this topic also led our Trafford Veterans group to have our Trafford World War I memorial officially designated as a WWI Centennial Memorial by the United States World War One Centennial Commission and the Pritzker Military Museum & Library. I have been an advocate for supporting the completion of the National World War I Memorial in Washington, D.C. and I appreciate the Doughboy Foundation for sharing our local successes. A special thank you to Brian Butko and Liz Simpson Romano who share this award.

Andrew Capets, President of the Trafford Historical Society



History magazine cover fall 2021

The Doughboy Foundation: STORIES of SERVICE... CONGRATS to Andrew Capets whose article "WWI Bring Home the Soldier Dead League" won a "Best in Show" award at the 58th Annual Golden Quill Awards in Pittsburgh.

Says Andrew, "Just to receive a nomination for this award was an honor, but to receive the Ray Sprigle Memorial Award was simply off the charts! Sincerely, I'm just so proud that I was able to introduce the topic to a new audience and find yet another avenue to honor and remember our fallen Doughboys - a century later."

READ the ARTICLE here: https://bit.ly/3m6YFrK