Trafford Manor turns 40

Forty years ago, the Westmoreland County Housing Authority held a formal dedication ceremony for Trafford Manor, the 100-unit (10-story) high-rise apartment building that was built in 1982 at 531 Brinton Ave. The $4.1 million project began on March 30, 1982.
The developer for the ten-story structure, financed through the Department of Housing and Urban Development, was L-D Building Company of Latrobe. The complex was built to feature a community room, arts and crafts room, and ten one-bedroom units designed specifically for the handicapped. In addition, the facility would have a direct hook-up to Trafford Fire Department.
Members of the Trafford Borough Council, Westmoreland Housing Authority, HUD officials, and Westmoreland County commissioners all attended the formal dedication. The one photo published in the Standard-Observer newspaper was the interior apartment of Anne Radosh (1911–2002).

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