Westinghouse Property Tour

The Trafford Historical Society recently toured the former Westinghouse property, now known as the Trafford Commerce Center. As we walked through the site, it was cool to envision the factory in its prime, almost hearing the echoes of clanging metal and the hum of machinery. Some areas of the interior still retain the marks of its industrial heritage. The old equipment remains untouched, serving as intriguing relics for our group of local history enthusiasts.

The former Westinghouse Power Circuit Breaker Division, once a bustling center of innovation, has been transformed into a commercial center and sizable warehouse for several companies. The expansive areas that once accommodated machinery and assembly lines are now occupied by towering shelves and stacks of goods.

The old Westinghouse buildings, though repurposed, continue to be a place of productivity and purpose, and we appreciate Mr. Paul Bova of the TCC for sharing his time with us – bridging the past to the present.

Our group departed the Trafford Commerce Center with a profound sense of awe and nostalgia, reminiscing about an era when innovation thrived and the dedication of countless individuals from Trafford and nearby communities who breathed life into the area. Although Westinghouse is no longer present, it remains a cherished memory of a time when it symbolized progress and ingenuity in our community.

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