No Saloon in 100+ years

With the recent opening of Club 80’s Bar & Grill, it’s interesting to note that the nearby village of Cavittsville, an early settlement that precedes Trafford, can boast of their track record of more than 214 years without their own saloon (to our knowledge).

In 1907, word spread as far as Lancaster and Philadelphia that a group of citizens from Cavittsville circulated a petition to prevent a liquor license from being issued to a proposed hotel in Cavittsville. The villagers issued a statement, "The Pennsylvania railroad does not think us important enough to stop a train here. There are not enough travelers here to support a bar room. If any of us have a thirst and the price of car fare, 10 cents, we can go to Trafford City, two miles distant, and get full. If a man hasn't the car fare, he's got no business with a thirst.”

Fast forward 114 years, and while the trolley no longer runs, we can assume that there are plenty of current residents of Cavittsville who have the means to travel such a far distance to 427 Cavitt Ave to find a willing bartender at Club 80’s ready to help the traveler quench one’s thirst. Cheers and best wishes to the new Trafford establishment.


Club 80's Bar & Grill is located at 427 Cavitt Ave, Trafford, PA 15085.

A chance for you to go "Back to the Future."

club 80s