Haupt Drugs and FOXY-29

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There was a time when Trafford supported two drug stores in its bustling new town, one drug store located directly across the street from the other. Weyandt’s Drug Store operated on one corner and Haupt’s Drug Store on the other.
In 1911, Pharmacist Charles S. Haupt Sr (1878-1936) moved his business from Indiana County to open a new store at the corner of Cavitt Ave & Fifth Street (present-day location of Dom's Pizzeria). He operated the business until his death in 1936, when at the time, his son, Charles S. Haupt Jr. (1915-1992), was enrolled in pharmacy school at Duquesne University. Haupt Jr. graduated from Duquesne University, entered the Navy in March 1941, and would later find himself serving in a special Naval unit code-named “FOXY-29” during the invasion at Normandy, France in June 1944.
Haupt Jr. was part of a special group of hospital corpsmen and doctors who were permitted to be armed and carried on LSTs (Landing Ship Tanks) large amphibious assault vessels used to carry troops and equipment onto shore during the D-Day invasion that returned to sea to serve as floating hospital ships. The concept was developed after President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill both agreed to arm its medical corps believing that Hitler would target the Allied medical corps despite the agreements of the Geneva convention.
Haupt Charles uniform
During the months of January through July 1944, Haupt served on LST-50 (during the invasion) and would later serve aboard the USS Biscayne until October 1944, when FOXY-29 was disbanded. LST-50 was built in Pittsburgh in 1943 and would earn three battle stars for service during World War II.
Haupt Jr. served in the Navy until his discharge in December 1946. He returned to Trafford for a short time but chose to practice in Pittsburgh. He would later marry his classmate from Trafford High’s Class of 1933, Dr. Clara A. Pucic. The couple relocated to Florida and Haupt continued his service in the US. Navy Reserves where he would retire as a Chief Warrant Officer 4. Haupt also served as Associate Director of the Bureau of Professional Relations of the University of Florida's College of Pharmacy. He passed away in 1992 at the age of 77.
Haupt is just one of over 1,000 men and women from Trafford who have honorably served our Nation. As we approach Veteran’s Day, we have a call out to all those who have served to consider joining the Trafford American Legion Post 331.
From September through November, the American Legion is focusing its efforts on new members and those previous members that have not renewed. Since 1919, the American Legion has led the way in advocating for veterans, their families, and the youth of this nation. There are plenty of stories like that of CWO4 Haupt that originate from Trafford. We would love to have you join us and celebrate your service on November 11, Veteran’s Day. Please consider becoming part of our growing Legion Family.
Haupt Charles Pharmacy