Frank George Baum high-voltage

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Frank George Baum (1870-1932) was an electrical engineer and genius in the field of hydroelectric engineering and high-voltage transmission. In 1921, his work was tested at the Westinghouse High Voltage Laboratory in Trafford (see photos). At the time, Westinghouse engineers built the first commercial 1,000,000-volt transformer above ground in a single unit. Unfortunately, we do not have an explanation to go along with these Baum photos.

Baum was said to have invented the outdoor high-tension switch used in the western transmission system and invented a device where the regulation of an alternating-current transmission line could be calculated. Most significant to us here at the Trafford Historical Society is learning that Baum was given credit for his pioneering work in the development of the first high-voltage circuit breaker, an industry that significantly contributed to the Trafford economy, and perhaps your ancestor’s quality of life.

A couple of years after these tests were performed in Trafford, Baum left his position with Pacific Gas & Electric to venture out on his own. He even built his own high-voltage laboratory, and in 1923, he appeared at the convention of the National Electric Light Association in New York to provide “detailed plans for the complete electrification of the United States.” The newspaper stating, “The most striking feature of the plans, which are the result of 20 years work, was a map showing a system of 220,000-volt transmission lines covering the entire country and placed with reference to existing transmission lines, water power, industrial centers, and railroad lines.” (The Barnsdall American, July 1923.)

Less than 2 miles down the road from the former Trafford High-Voltage Laboratory, Cleaveland/Price Inc. has become a business success story providing the supply of renewable parts for switches that were discontinued by the Westinghouse Corporation. Cleaveland/Price engineers are also making a name for themselves by addressing the flaws in the old system designs and developing the new technology in this field.

We venture to guess what we are seeing in these Westinghouse/Baum photos from over 100 years ago?, an analysis of outdoor high-voltage transmission line equipment required testing under various weather conditions with the contraption shown to simulate a mist and rain hitting the line insulators.

Learn more about the Trafford High-Voltage Laboratory in our YouTube video: Trafford High Voltage Laboratory on YouTube