Select Picnic held at Cavittsville

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This invitation was found in the Trafford Historical Society archives. It makes you wonder who came out to this “Select Picnic” held in Cavittsville in 1880 (pre-Trafford City) to hear an orchestra perform. The invitation reads, “The presence of yourself and company is respectfully solicited at Cavittsville Grove, near Stewart’s Station, on Tuesday afternoon and evening, June 1, 1880. Music by C.W. Fleming’s Orchestra of Pittsburgh. Refreshments on the ground.”

Doing a little research, Professor Charles W. Fleming was a well-known music teacher in Pittsburgh, who was apparently an accomplished violinist who performed with other orchestras. He was only 41 years old when he passed away. The committee that planned this picnic includes recognizable names and some future leaders of Trafford City: Tillbrook, Blackburn, Wampler, and Thomas.

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