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Trafford World War I Memorial


Find a list of all the names inscribed on the Trafford memorial here. This link will also provide a photo of some of the WWI Veterans (when available).


If you don’t see your Veteran’s name on the memorial, look at the Westmoreland County World War link below for the Trafford District.


Item# 017

Source: Collection

30 Dec 2007


313th Machine Gun Bn, France 1918


WWI Veterans in France 1918 – 313th Machine Gun Battalion, Company C.


Item# 018

Source: Collection

30 Dec 2007


313th Machine Gun Bn, France 1918


WWI Veterans in France 1918 – 313th Machine Gun Battalion, Company C.


Item# 019

Source: Collection

30 Dec 2007


55th Reunion of World War I Veterans


The 55th Reunion of the 313th Machine Gun Bn of the 80th Division.  Andrew Capets is standing in the back row, directly under the number 55. Please contact me if you can identify any of the other men in this picture.

Item# 020

Source: collection

30 Dec 2007


Westmoreland Towns in the World War (Trafford District)


This book is available at the Norwin Public Library Local History Room for reference only.   The link here give you access to the TRAFFORD DISTRICT only.  The pictures and military biographies shown are those of service men from Trafford, Delmont, Export, Murrysville, and Newlonsburg. Search the NAMES here.


Item# 021

Source: Norwin Public Library

30 Dec 2007


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