I.O.O.F. No. 1146

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The Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) Lodge 1146 was located on the corner of Duquense Avenue and 4th Street. The order was also known as the Triple Link Fraternity, referring to the order's "Triple Links" symbol, alluding to the motto "Friendship, Love and Truth".

Charles Ira Slaubaugh was a member of Lodge No. 1146. Charles and his wife Myrtle Rose Fike were longtime residents of Trafford. The medal seen here was donated to the Trafford Historical Society by William C Lutz, the maternal grandson of Charles.

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Charles Ira Slaubaugh & Myrtle Rose Fike (photo by Laura Lutz)

Charles Ira Slaubaugh (photo by Kai Lutz)

From the present day IOOF website: As an organization, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows aims to provide a framework that promotes personal and social development. Lodge degrees and activities aim to improve and elevate every person to a higher, nobler plane; to extend sympathy and aid to those in need, making their burdens lighter, relieving the darkness of despair; to war against vice in every form, and to be a great moral power and influence for the good of humanity. For members, the degrees in Odd Fellowship emphasizes a leaving of the old life and the start of a better one, of welcoming travelers, and of helping those in need. The command of the IOOF is to"visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead and educate the orphan."